Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Leftovers

I'm sure few parents have missed the irony of having their kids abandon newly unwrapped toys in order to play with the boxes and paper they came dressed up in.

I figure they'll get back to the toys at some later point. But for now, why not enjoy the Christmas leftovers? I'm talking about all the fun packaging these toys come with. The bigger the boxes the better!

My sister and I were experts at making complex forts and mazes when we were kids. It used to captivate us for hours as we added to our structures with things we found around the house. The best part of this kind of play is that it is free, creative play... something that isn't necessarily fostered in a lot of the toys that come inside these boxes.

Now 10-month-old L is not yet a skilled fort-builder, but he's having fun poking around in the boxes and wrapping. He even found one box big enough to hide in. He thought that was the best part of the holiday!